Coded Whilst Painting...

This month, me and Mum moved into a bungalow! It's been 37 years since we last moved home, and it's been a bit of a journey getting here.
If you don't know me, you may not know of my disability/motion issues, but suffice to say, the act of painting a bedroom is FAR outside of my capabilities, so yesterday (Friday) whilst everyone else worked on painting my bedroom, I sat on the couch doing practically nothing. So as to help make myself feel 3% less useless, I opted to write a game in the time that it took them to paint all the walls.
8 or so hours later, and this was the result. It's definitely not the world's best Bubble Bobble clone, but for 8 hours work, it's a pretty fun little game.
I do hope you enjoy it.
The game was written using the fantastic BASIC-like language over at
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